Era of Peace

Welcome to Era of Peace

Estamos muito satisfeitos e honrados em compartilhar este momento com você. Você pode, ou não pode saber disto ainda, mas você é um dom maravilhoso para esta Terra. Toda a vida desenvolvida aqui é bem-aventurada por sua presença. A intenção divina deste site é para ajudá-lo a lembrar-se desta profunda Verdade.

Independentemente de quão longe você pensa que esta de refletir o fato de que você é um Filho Amado e Divino de Deus, esta informação dos Seres de Luz nos Reinos da Verdade Iluminada vai despertar dentro de você esse Conhecimento Interior.

Você esteve preparando por uma eternidade do tempo para cumprir a sua faceta única do Plano Divino, que está se desdobrando agora na Terra.

Sua Presença “EU SOU” trouxe a informação neste site em sua esfera de consciência, porque o tempo para que você possa cumprir sua finalidade e razão de ser é AGORA.

Thank You

Obrigado por se oferecer ter nascido durante este Momento Cósmico na Terra e obrigado pela sua disponibilidade para se tornar o Instrumento de Deus, você é destinado a ser.

God Bless You,

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles.

Preparando-se para o Influxo de Luz Divina

September 2005
Preparing for the Influx of Divine Light
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Nós todos temos nos preparados para este Momento Cósmico desde a queda da Humanidade a eras atrás. Agora estamos em fase final de aumento de energia, vibração e consciência de nossos corpos físicos, etérico, mental e emocional, para que possamos ser capazes de suportar o fluxo máximo de Amor Divino Transfigurado de Deus. Este influxo da Luz Divina incorporará o ímpeto desde o dia 13 de Agosto até o dia 18 de Agosto.

Se o seu Ser Divino tiver magnetizado esta informação na sua esfera de consciência, saiba que você é uma parte vitalmente importante desta atividade da Luz. O Plano Divino que você se apresentou para cumprir durante esta Semana Santa necessita apenas uma coisa de você:


Enquanto você progride através dos dias santos que levaram a este acontecimento milagroso, lembre-se que, acima de todas as coisas, sua responsabilidade é liberar a energia mais amorosa, jovial, divertida, edificante, harmoniosa que você possa expressar.

Não importa que desafios ou testes possam lhe ser apresentados, saiba que nada vale a pena afastá-lo da harmonia do seu Ser verdadeiro. Seja a Presença da Paz Dominante que você esteve preparado para ser. Seja a força mais poderosa de Transfigurar o Amor Divino, você é capaz de estar aqui e agora. Este é o seu momento! A humanidade, a Mãe Terra e a Companhia do Céu estão contando com você.


Durante os próximos sete dias, nós fomos abençoados com a oportunidade de elevar a vibração dos nossos corpos Terrestre, para que eles sejam capazes de suportar mais Luz do que jamais experimentamos antes.

Por uma Sanção Cósmica de nosso Onisciente, Onipotente, Onipresente Deus Pai-Mãe, toda a Companhia do Céu está de prontidão permanente para assistir a Humanidade com esta Diligência Sagrada.  Os Seres de Luz nos Reinos da Verdade Iluminada nos deram dois exercícios de respiração muito simples, mas extremamente poderoso. Se fizermo-los todas as manhãs e noites para os próximos sete dias, a nossa preparação física será acelerado por um salto quântico.

Estes exercícios de respiração podem ser continuados por quanto tempo você quiser após os sete dias. Cada vez que eles são feitos, seus corpos terrestres serão levantados até mais na energia, vibração e consciência.

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Quando conscientemente inspiramos o Sopro Sagrado de Deus, a nossa Presença EU SOU desperta dentro de nós a lembrança de como o Sopro Sagrado assistirá na transformação das nossas vidas. O Sopro Sagrado de Deus é o nosso Dom da Vida. É o veículo que nos une com o nosso Onisciente, Onipresente, Onipotente Deus Pai-Mãe, Tudo O Que É. O Sopro Sagrado cria o espaço sagrado que nos permite ser Um com os aspectos multidimensionais da nossa própria Divindade e Um com toda a Criação.

Quando deliberadamente utilizamos o Sopro Sagrado de Deus, a cada inspiração que ecoar no Coração e Mente de Deus, e com cada expiração, projetamos para o plano físico da Terra os padrões de perfeição contidos no Coração e na Mente de Deus.  Pelo Sopro Sagrado de Deus somos capazes de conversar com os aspectos multidimensionais da nossa própria Divindade, e nossos corpos físicos, etéricos, mentais e emocionais são energizados e sustentados no mundo da forma.

Enquanto nos lembramos desta profunda Verdade, começamos a experimentar o Sopro Sagrado da forma que Deus originalmente pretendia. Este dom da Vida é projetado para restaurar, rejuvenescer, revitalizar e transformar nossos corpos Terrestres em corpos de Luz e de Templos Poderosos do Deus Vivo.  Direcionando o Santo Sopro de Deus através de nossa Espinha Solar da 5ª Dimensão e seus doze correspondentes Chacras Solares e meridianos, vamos elevar a vibração de nossos corpos para alturas até então desconhecidas. Os seguintes exercícios de respiração irá avivar todas as células em nosso corpo e limpar as frequências de vibração que são menos do que a perfeição física ilimitada da 5 ª Dimensão. Dentro desta mais alta frequência de Luz, a nossa Presença EU SOU será capaz de se integrar efetivamente nos nossos corpos Terrestres. Então seremos livres e sem obstáculos em nossos pensamentos. Vamos compreender a Unicidade de toda a Vida, e vamos perceber que as soluções viáveis para cada situação se manifestando em nossas vidas ou no planeta estão esperando a descoberta no Corpo Causal de Deus.

Tudo o que temos de fazer é utilizar o Sopro Sagrado de Deus e elevar a consciência.


(declarado na 1.ª pessoa)

Eu começo exalando todo o ar dos meus pulmões. Agora, estando de pé, os meus pés juntos e os meus braços relaxados e descansando ao meu lado, Eu afirmo com uma sensação profunda:

“EU ESTOU inspirando o Sopro Sagrado de Deus.”

Enquanto eu inspiro, giro as palmas das mãos voltando-as para cima e lentamente levanto os braços ao lado do corpo e estendê-los acima da minha cabeça. Mantenho a minha respiração dentro do meu corpo e visualizo um eixo brilhante de Luz pulsando com todos os 12 Aspectos Solares da Divindade emanando do próprio Coração de Deus.

Este eixo de Luz desce em meu Chacra da Coroa e brilha na Espinha Solar em meus 12 Chacras Solares. Enquanto eu continuo a segurar o Sopro Sagrado de Deus dentro do meu corpo, esta Luz cintilante expande através dos meus meridianos em cada célula do meu corpo.

Agora Eu expiro lentamente e afirmo com profundo sentimento:

“EU ESTOU expirando, o Sopro Sagrado de Deus”.

Enquanto Eu expiro, viro as palmas das mãos voltando-as para baixo e lentamente desço os braços de volta ao lado do meu corpo. Prendo a respiração e visualizo o poderoso raio de Luz descendo pela minha Espinha Solar para o centro da Terra. A Luz do próprio Coração de Deus se funde com o Ímpeto Divino no núcleo da Mãe Terra e se expande através do Sistema de Grade Cristalino para envolver todo o planeta e toda a Vida que evolui aqui.

Eu respiro normalmente durante um momento; então repito a Respiração Sagrada mais três vezes. Este exercício de Respiração Sagrado é feito uma vez para o meu corpo físico e para a camada física da Terra, uma vez para o meu corpo etérico e para a camada etérica da Terra, uma vez para o meu corpo mental e para a camada mental de Terra e uma vez para o meu corpo emocional e para a camada emocional de Terra. Depois de quatro Respirações Sagradas, decreto:

“EU SOU o Sopro Sagrado de Deus restaurando, revitalizando, rejuvenescendo e transformando o meu corpo Terrestre em Corpo de Luz Solar da 5ª dimensão da perfeição física ilimitada. Cada célula, cada partícula atômica e subatômica e cada onda em meu corpo físico, etérico, mental e emocional está agora pulsando com os 12 Aspectos Solares da Divindade, que continuamente aumentam e transfiguram este Templo do Deus Vivo”.


1. Very few students of occultism know anything at all about the fountain-head whence their
tradition springs. Many of them do not even know there is a Western Tradition. Scholarship is
baffled by the intentional blinds and defences with which initiates both ancient and modern have
wrapped themselves about, and concludes that the few fragments of a literature which have come
down to us are medieval forgeries. They would be greatly surprised if they knew that these
fragments, supplemented by manuscripts that have never been allowed to pass out of the hands of
initiates, and completed by an oral tradition, are handed down in schools of initiation to this day,
and are used as the bases of the practical work of the Yoga of the West.
2. The adepts of those races whose evolutionary destiny is to conquer the physical plane have
evolved a Yoga technique of their own which is adapted to their special problems and peculiar
needs. This technique is based upon the well-known but little understood Qabalah, the Wisdom
of Israel.

3. It may be asked why it is that the Western nations should go to the Hebrew culture for their
mystical tradition? The answer to this question will be readily understood by those who are
acquainted with the esoteric theory concerning races and sub-races. Everything must have a source.
Cultures do not spring out of nothing. The seed-bearers of each new phase of culture must of
necessity arise within the preceding culture. No one can deny that Judaism was the matrix of the
European spiritual culture when they recall the fact that Jesus and Paul were both Jews. No race
except the Jewish race could possibly have served as the stock upon which the new dispensation
was to be grafted because no other race was monotheistic. Pantheism and polytheism had had their
day and a new and more spiritual culture was due. The Christian races owe their religion to the
Jewish culture as surely as the Buddhist races of the East owe theirs to the Hindu culture.

4. The mysticism of Israel supplies the foundation of modern Western occultism. It forms the
theoretical basis upon which all ceremonial is developed. Its famous glyph, the Tree of Life, is the
best meditation symbol we possess because it is the most comprehensive.
5. It is not my intention to write a historical study of the sources of the Qabalah, but rather to
show the uses that are made of it by modern students of the Mysteries. For although the roots of
our system are in tradition, there is no reason why we should be hidebound by tradition. A
technique that is being actually practised is a growing thing, for the experience of each worker
enriches it and becomes part of the common heritage.
6. It is not necessarily incumbent upon us to do certain things or hold certain ideas because the
Rabbis who lived before Christ had certain views. The world has moved on since those days and
we are under a new dispensation but what was true in principle then will be true in principle now,
and of value to us. The modern Qabalist is the heir of the ancient Qabalist, but he must reinterpret
doctrine and reformulate method in the light of the present dispensation if the heritage he has
received is to be of any practical value to him.

Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life



THROUGHOUT this book we have had to refer frequently to the “gods” of Egypt; it is now time to explain who and what they were. We have already shown how much the monotheistic side of the Egyptian religion resembles that of modern Christian nations, and it will have come as a surprise to some that a people, possessing such exalted ideas of God as the Egyptians, could ever have become the byword they did through their alleged worship of a multitude of “gods” in various forms. It is quite true that the Egyptians paid honour to a number of gods, a number so large that the list of their mere names would fill a volume, but it is equally true that the educated classes in Egypt at all times never placed the “gods” on the same high level as God, and they never imagined that their views on this point could be mistaken. In prehistoric times every little village or town, every district and province, and every great city, had its own particular god; we may go a step farther, and

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say that every family of any wealth and position had its own god. The wealthy family selected some one to attend to its god, and to minister unto his wants, and the poor family contributed, according to its means, towards a common fund for providing a dwelling-house for the god, and for vestments, etc. But the god was an integral part of the family, whether rich or poor, and its destiny was practically locked up with that of the family. The overthrow of the family included the overthrow of the god, and seasons of prosperity resulted in abundant offerings, new vestments, perhaps a new shrine, and the like. The god of the village, although he was a more important being, might be led into captivity along with the people of the village, but the victory of his followers in a raid or fight caused the honours paid to him to be magnified and enhanced his renown.

The gods of provinces or of great cities were, of course, greater than those of villages and private families, and in the large houses dedicated to them, i.e., temples, a considerable number of them, represented by statues, would be found. Sometimes the attributes of one god would be ascribed to another, sometimes two or more gods would be “fused” or united and form one, sometimes gods were imported from remote villages and towns and even from foreign countries, and occasionally a community or town would repudiate its god or gods, and adopt a brand new set from some

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neighbouring district. Thus the number of the gods was always changing, and the relative position of individual gods was always changing; an obscure, and almost unknown, local god to-day might through a victory in war become the chief god of a city, and on the other hand, a god worshipped with abundant offerings and great ceremony one month might sink into insignificance and become to all intents and purposes a dead god the next. But besides family and village gods there were national gods, and gods of rivers and mountains, and gods of earth and sky, all of which taken to-ether made a formidable number of “divine” beings whose good-will had to be secured, and whose ill-will must be appeased. Besides these, a number of animals as being sacred to the gods were also considered to be “divine,” and fear as well as love made the Egyptians add to their numerous classes of gods.

The gods of Egypt whose names are known to us do not represent all those that have been conceived by the Egyptian imagination, for with them as with much else, the law of the survival of the fittest holds good. Of the gods of the prehistoric man we know nothing but it is more than probable that some of the gods who were worshipped in dynastic times represent, in a modified form, the deities of the savage, or semi-savage, Egyptian that held their influence on his mind the longest. A typical example of such a

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god will suffice, namely Thoth, whose original emblem was the dog-headed ape. In very early times great respect was paid to this animal on account of his sagacity, intelligence, and cunning; and the simple-minded Egyptian, when he heard him chattering just before the sunrise and sunset, assumed that he was in some way holding converse or was intimately connected with the sun. This idea clung to his mind, and we find in dynastic times, in the vignette representing the rising sun, that the apes, who are said to be the transformed openers of the portals of heaven, form a veritable company of the gods, and at the same time one of the most striking features of the scene. Thus an idea which came into being in the most remote times passed on from generation to generation until it became crystallized in the best copies of the Book of the Dead, at a period when Egypt was at its zenith of power and glory. The peculiar species of the dog-headed ape which is represented in statues and on papyri is famous for its cunning, and it was the words which it supplied to Thoth, who in turn transmitted them to Osiris, that enabled Osiris to be “true of voice,” or triumphant, over his enemies. It is probably in this capacity, i.e., as the friend of the dead, that the dog-headed ape appears seated upon the top of the standard of the Balance in which the heart of the deceased is being weighed against the feather symbolic of Maât; for the commonest titles

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of the god are “lord of divine books,” “lord of divine words,” i.e., the formulæ which make the deceased to be obeyed by friend and foe alike in the next world. In later times, when Thoth came to be represented by the ibis bird, his attributes were multiplied, and he became the god of letters, science, mathematics, etc.; at the creation he seems to have played a part not unlike that of “wisdom” which is so beautifully described by the writer of Proverbs (see Chap. VIII. vv. 23-31).

Whenever and wherever the Egyptians attempted to set up a system of gods they always found that the old local gods had to be taken into consideration, and a place had to be found for them in the system. This might be done by making them members of triads, or of groups of nine gods, now commonly called “enneads”; but in one form or other they had to appear. The researches made during the last few years have shown that there must have been several large schools of theological thought in Egypt, and of each of these the priests did their utmost to proclaim the superiority of their gods. In dynastic times there must have been great colleges at Heliopolis, Memphis, Abydos, and one or more places in the Delta, not to mention the smaller schools of priests which probably existed at places on both sides of the Nile from Memphis to the south. Of the theories and doctrines of all such schools and colleges, those of Heliopolis have survived in the completest form, and by careful

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examination of the funeral texts which were inscribed on the monuments of the kings of Egypt of the Vth and VIth dynasties we can say what views they held about many of the gods. At the outset we see that the great god of Heliopolis was Temu or Atmu, the setting sun, and to him the priests of that place ascribed the attributes which rightly belong to Râ, the Sun-god of the day-time. For some reason or other they formulated the idea of a company of the gods, nine in number, which was called the “great company (paut) of the gods,” and at the head of this company they placed the god Temu. In. Chapter XVII of the Book of the Dead 1 we find the following passage:–

“I am the god Temu in his rising; I am. the only One. I came into being in Nu. I am Râ, who rose in the beginning ”

Next comes the question, “But who is this?” And the answer is: “It is Râ when at the beginning he rose in the city of Suten-henen (Heracleopolis Magna) crowned like a king in rising. The pillars of the god Shu were not as yet created when he was upon the staircase of him that dwelleth in Khemennu (Hermopolis Magna).” From these statements we learn that Temu and Râ were one and the same god, and that he was the first offspring of the god Nu, the primeval watery mass, out of which all the gods

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came into being. The text continues: “I am the great god Nu who gave birth to himself, and who made his names to come, into being and to form the company of the gods. But who is this? It is Râ, the creator of the names of his members which came into being in the form of the gods who are in the train of Râ.” And again: “I am he who is not driven back among the gods. But who is this? It is Tem, the dweller in his disk, or as others say, it is Râ in his rising in the eastern horizon of heaven.” Thus we learn further that Nu was self-produced, and that the gods are simply the names of his limbs; but then Râ is Nu, and the gods who are in his train or following are merely personifications of the names of his own members. He who cannot be driven back among the gods is either Temu or Râ, and so we find that Nu, Temu, and Râ are one and the same god. The priests of Heliopolis in setting Temu at the head of their company of the gods thus gave Râ, and Nu also, a place of high honour; they cleverly succeeded in making their own local god chief of the company, but at the same time they provided the older gods with positions of importance. In this way worshippers of Râ, who had regarded their god as the oldest of the gods, would have little cause to complain of the introduction of Temu into the company of the gods, and the local vanity of Heliopolis would be gratified.

But besides the nine gods who were supposed to

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form the “great company” of gods of the city of Heliopolis, there was a second group of nine gods called the “little company” of the gods, and yet a third group of nine gods, which formed the least company. Now although the paut or company of nine gods might be expected to contain nine always, this was not the case, and the number nine thus applied is sometimes misleading. There are several passages extant in texts in which the gods of a paut are enumerated, but the total number is sometimes ten and sometimes eleven. This fact is easily explained when we remember that the Egyptians deified the various forms or aspects of a god, or the various phases in his life. Thus the setting sun, called Temu or Atmu, and the rising sun, called Khepera, and the mid-day sun, called Râ, were three forms of the same god; and if any one of these three forms was included in a paut or company of nine gods, the other two forms were also included by implication, even though the pautthen contained eleven instead of nine gods. Similarly, the various forms of each god or goddess of the paut were understood to be included in it, however large the total number of gods might become. We are not, therefore, to imagine that the three companies of the gods were limited in number to 9 x 3, or twenty-seven, even though the symbol for god be given twenty-seven times in the texts.

The Merkaba Formation of August 25th ~ “You Shall Become Pure Pillars of Light”

Pleiades High Council:  The Grand Sextile, August 25th, The Solomon’s Seal.  Theme:  Transformation

Channeled by Anna Merkaba

August 19, 2013

In the next few days of your earthly time, there will once again occur a grand celestial event in your skies as major celestial bodies move into place to form a six pointed star. Another portal will once again open and bring with it a strong infusion of light onto this planet.

This is the time that all of you will be able to fully, consciously and collectively connect yet again to the divine. Coupled with the energies that all of you have collected and have hibernated within your vessels for the last few weeks, the energy that will be unleashed onto GAIA will have tremendous power to break down the old systems and to transform all that stands in its way.

And so we ask that all of you, with all of your might and desire for change, connect to the divine and allow your bodies to become light anchors, pillars of light, through which the pure cosmic energies of love, peace, serenity, tranquility and understanding can pass through and into the very depths of your planet.


We ask that as this energy passes through you, for you to completely merge with the energies and to monitor your thoughts continuously for 3 days. One day prior to the portal, during the portal and the next day after the closing of the gates.

You shall become PURE channels of this energy, for all the darkness shall be transformed to light, doubts and fears into confidence and peace. Bear in mind that as this energy passes through you, and cleanses your very being, you may experience various energy fluctuations throughout the 3 day cycle. Please understand that this shall be a natural state, for your bodies will be transformed FOR THE DURATION OF 3 DAYS (22-24)  [I think she meant the 23rd thru the 25th.  S.C.] – YOU SHALL BECOME PURE PILLARS OF LIGHT.

Your senses will heighten. Your vision will sharpen. Your hearing will significantly improve. Each word you utter will carry tremendous power within. Your thoughts will quickly manifest into your reality and so we ask all of you to be increasingly aware of these processes and to carefully monitor each and every thought, word and action, for you must think love, breathe love, BE LOVE. You must completely transform yourselves into pure VIOLET FLAME.

Allow the energies to permeate through your body and if you begin to feel anything but love, peace, tranquility and joy, simply shift your focus back to love and light. Remember to keep your thoughts positive, do not allow any negativity to seep through. Simply shift your focus and know that for these 3 days you are an immensely powerful being, carrying pure, crystalline consciousness of the universal truth within your vessel and delivering it to mother GAIA.

And so on the 25th of your August you are to sit in a meditative state and imagine and see and feel and sense yourself to be a pure, pillar of violet flame. See yourself connecting with your crown chakra to the Source. Be sure to “imagine” that your link to The Source is completely protected in golden light as it travels down from The Source into your Crown chakra, going all the way down the center of your body and exiting your body through your base chakra and going all the way down to the very core of the earth.

Sit still and breathe deeply in and out. With every breath that you take pull more and more violet flame through your crown chakra, down your body and out of your base chakra into the heart of the earth, from where it shall envelope the whole planet and be distributed to each and every soul that dwells therein. All the while feeling LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING, PURITY, TRUTH, JOY, CONFIDENCE, AND ETERNAL BLISS.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.



THE Buddha said: “All acts of living creatures become bad by ten things, and by avoiding the ten things they become good. There are three evils of the body, four evils of the tongue, and three evils of the mind.

“The evils of the body are, murder, theft, and adultery; of the tongue, lying, slander, abuse, and idle talk; of the mind, covetousness, hatred, and error.

“I exhort you to avoid the ten evils: 1. Kill not, but have regard for life. 2. Steal not, neither do ye rob; but help everybody to be master of the fruits of his labor. 3. Abstain from impurity, and lead a life of chastity. 4. Lie not, but be truthful. Speak the truth with discretion, fearlessly and in a loving heart. 5. Invent not evil reports, neither do ye repeat them. Carp not, but look for the good sides of your fellow-beings, so that ye may with sincerity defend them against their enemies. 6. Swear not, but speak decently and with dignity. 7. Waste not the time with gossip, but speak to the purpose or keep silence. 8. Covet not, nor envy, but rejoice at the fortunes of other people. 9. Cleanse your heart of malice and cherish no hatred, not even against your enemies; but embrace all living beings with kindness. 10. Free your mind of ignorance and be anxious to learn the truth, especially in the one thing that is needful, lest you fall a prey either to scepticism or to errors. Scepticism will make you indifferent and errors will lead you astray, so that you shall not find the noble path that leads to life eternal.”

SEFER YETZIRAH [Book of Creation] & Saadia’s Commentary (excerpts)

II. Chapter Two. ¶ 1. Ten Sefirot out of nothing. Ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Understand in Wisdom and be wise in Understanding. Examine them, investigate them, think clearly and form. Place the word above its creator and reinstate a Creator upon His foundation; and they are ten extending beyond limit. Observe them: they appear like a flash. Their boundary has no limit for His word is with them: “and they ran and returned.” And they pursue His saying like a whirlwind [vortex]; and they prostrate themselves [bend] themselves before His throne. ¶ 2. Twenty-two foundation letters: three mothers, seven doubles, and twelve simples. Three mothers: Alef, Mem, Shin: a great mystery, concealed, marvelous and magnificent whence emerge fire, wind [air, spirit, breath] and water, whence everything was created. Seven doubles: Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav, which are to be pronounced in two tongues: Bet, Vayt, Gimel, Ghimel, Dalet, Dhalet, Kaf, Khaf, Peh, Feh, Resh, Rhesh, Tav, Thav, a pattern of hard and soft, strong and weak. The doubles represent the contraries [syzygies]. The opposite of life is death, the opposite of peace is evil [or ‘harm’], the opposite of wisdom is foolishness, the opposite of wealth is poverty, the opposite of fruitfulness is barrenness, the opposite of grace is ugliness, the opposite of dominion is slavery. ¶ 3. Seven doubles: Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Peh, Resh, Tav. Seven and not six, seven and not eight. Six sides in the six directions, and the Holy Palace [Heikhal] ruling in the center. Blessed is the Eternal [Yod-Vav-Yod] in His dwelling. He is the place of the universe and the universe is not His place. ¶ 4. Twelve simples: He, Vav, Zayin; Het, Tet, Yod; Lamed, Nun, Samech; Ayin, Tsadeh, Qof. Twelve and not eleven, twelve and not thirteen. Twelve diagonal boundaries divide the directions and separate the different sides: the extremity of the northeast, the extremity of the eastern height, the extremity of the eastern depth, the extremity of the northwest, the extremity of the northern height, the extremity of the northern depth, the extremity of the southwest, the extremity of the western height, the extremity of the western depth, the extremity of the southeast, the extremity of the southern height, the extremity of the southern depth. ¶ 5. By these means, Yah, Eternal of Hosts, God of Israel, Living Elohim, Almighty God, High and Extolled, Dwelling in Eternity, Holy Be His Name traced twenty-two letters and fixed them upon a wheel. He turns the wheel forwards and backwards, and as a sign of this, nothing is better than to ascend in delight [Ayin-Nun-Gimel,], and nothing is worse than to descend with the plague [,Nun-Gimel-Ayin]. ¶ 6. The proof of this is revealed in the universe, the year and the soul. The universe is calculated according to ten: the three are fire, air, and water; the seven are the seven planets; the twelve are the twelve signs of the zodiac. the year is computated by ten: the three are winter, summer and the seasons between; the seven are the seven days of creation; the twelve are the twelve months; the living soul is calculated according to ten: three are the head, chest and stomach; seven are the seven apertures of the body; the twelve are the twelve leading organs.